If you want to learn about how to close apps on iphone 11, then in this article, you are going to find your Answer.

First of all, you should know about;

  1. How to access recent apps.
  2. How to open an app.
  3. How to switch between apps.

Access Recent Apps.

  1. From the bottom of the screen, swipe up, without removing your finger.

Open App.

  1. Select App you Want to Open.
  2. Tap on it.

Switch Between Apps.

  1. Swipe right or left for finding the app you want to use.

Close App.

  1. Swipe up to the app you want to close.

Steps to close apps on iPhone 11

close app iphone
  1. At the bottom of the screen of your phone, swipe up from the bottom.
  2. Pause while you still press on screen.
  3. When you see an app switcher appear on your screen, swipe right or left through different app cards for finding the app that you wish to close.
  4. After this, use a quick swipe upward for closing the app.

We hope you find this article helpful. Let us know if you have any further query or comment regarding this Topic. Looking forward to your reviews. Checkout our articles on, how to screen record on iPhone 11, how to screenshot on iPhone 11, how to turn off/restart iPhone 11, iPhone 11 camera, iPhone XR vs iPhone 11, iPhone 11 vs iPhone 11 pro, iPhone 11 pro colors.